Server activation & renewal
Admin Dashboard Mango Manage gives you a wide range of activations such as VIP Package, AF-VIP Package IKS server, Apollo..etc,
with 100$ you will get 100 MANGO points on your wallet
-For reseller:
When you renew your VIP 12M, you get 2.4 mango
When you renew your VIP 6M, you get 1.6 mango
When you renew your VIP 3M, you get 1.2 mango
-For the dealer:
When you renew your VIP 12M, you get 1.2 mango
When renewing VIP 6M, you take 0.8 mango
When you renew your VIP 3M, you get 0.6 mango
you can recharge your points balance anytime you want via RENEW-FOREVER
if you have a question or you need support please contact us via Whatsapp line: +201097722133
#VIP code
It covers all channels and services without exception
#AF VIP code
This code is specific to Africa and opens the #DSTV package and some other packages
#TV Service code
It opens all server channels except #Sky and #DSTV package, but it doesn’t open #Apollo for you
#Stream Service code
It activates #Apollo just for you
#TV Service & #Stream Service code
It opens #Apollo server and program channels but does not open #Sky and #DSTV packages
#Data Service Code
It activates existing services such as #sound, #AutoBISS, etc., but it does not open the server channels and the #Apollo.